Pop culture, marketing and me

I think pop culture and marketing are interrelated, and I am in between of that. So, this blog is a space for me to put down my observations.

28 January 2006

Love Song from No One ...from John

Today I wanna talk about music, the kind of music I really like. But since it's pop music, so it's not so special to get into long conversation with anyone (at least people in my circle of friends), unlike Bossa or Jazz.

Yeah, like I said, it's just pop, but so beautifully written and soulfully sung. I'm talking about John Mayer in particular. I really like many of his songs. It's hard to describe why... I guess it's the lyrics and how he sings it...that connects me. I accendentally browsed to a web page talking about this. This girl went to John's concert and she talked about a conver John mentioned that ticked her. I think she put it better than I do why we like John's work so much:-

But there was one moment that really caught my attention, that cemented me as a fan. John started talking just before starting up the song Love Song For No One (which is about writing a song for someone not yet met but yearned for and hoped for). He said, "You know, there's certain parts of the body that need a little more attention than others." Hoots and woo hoos from the crowd. Then John gestured to the inside of his elbow. "See this little area, right here? This part has been lonely. You know how you'll go out to a party or whatever and you hold it like this (gestures walking arm in arm with someone), then a little later on, you hold it like this (hangs his arm by his side as though walking hand in hand with someone). Then when you leave the party and you go home, you hold like this again (back to arm in arm gesture). That's what I've really been missing lately."

He could have been full of shit or beer or anything, but it didn't matter. That little monologue was something every person, male or female, single or coupled, could relate to, and you could feel it in the crowd. The chorus to the song follows like this:

I'm so tired of being alone So hurry up and get here
So tired of being alone So hurry up and get here
You'll be so good

You'll be so good to me

John's songs aren't all about love, but those that are inspire a sort of maturity about love, a realization that things seldom work out, but without much malice or anger or rage in his words. His songs about growing up, living in Georgia, and being on the road share the stage with this sort of feeling, and you realize that so many things in life deal with love. We just neglect to believe it.

Listen to "Comfortable" & "Daughters" and you'll get what I mean. The total package of his is subtle, simple, and very touching. And he's got so many fans because there is a segment of men & women who are like him, but could never really put their feelings into words and the sound of guitar. There are more than enough sentimental love songs, so when John Mayer came with a breathe of fresh air like this, he was so welcome. His good look definitely didn't hurt :P It's like..now you have an excuse to really like him not because of his cute face, but his talent.

Aside of John, I also enjoy other pop artists of similar kind of music. (I wonder if there's a genre for it, coz calling it pop doesn't do it a justice.) I like Jack Johnson, Sting, Tuck & Patti, Aimee Mann, Chantal Kreviazuk, Shawn Colvin... And the soulful Simply Red, Seal, Sade...


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