Pop culture, marketing and me

I think pop culture and marketing are interrelated, and I am in between of that. So, this blog is a space for me to put down my observations.

16 April 2006

List of "Oh...My..." guys

OK...I probably have too much free time right now, together with reading a couple of chick flicks, I came up with list of "Oh...My..." guys. I'd like to divide them into two segments, 1-- Oh...My...someone-stop-me-sweat-like-hell guys and 2--Oh...My...you-can't-be-more-adoreable-than-this guys. OK, stick with me and you know what I'm talking about. (I'll limit to celebs so that it's clear to everyone.)

The first category is the guys I think they're sooooo damn hot, so hot that they can be no-brainers and I still wanna go out with them. Well, actually not really go out, more like umm... a doll to play with. You see them and tell yourself how lucky you are to be born on the same planet as them. First guy is Brad Pitt. He's been hot for 14 years. I remember the first time I met him...it was in my 9th grade. I was at Sa-Nguan English Language School and it played a movie called "A River Runs Through It". I was walking down the stairs and saw Brad's face on the screen, smiling, all lit up. And then, I discovered him being naughty and bad, and yet, I forgave him, in Thelma & Louise (He played Thelma before River, but I saw Thelma later). Then, so many more, I'll just name a couple. I think Brad in Legends of the Fall is simply irresistible...you know...tough and rough on the outside, yet so vulnerable and fragile inside. Then, in Fight Club, oh..my.. that body.. with that manly outsider kinda guy. Then, in Ocean 11 & 12, he showed that he can be funny (but still very sexy in his silky unbuttoned lavender shirt that only he can pull off).

The other guy in this category has to be Jude Law. Jude doesn't have a killing body. Well, it's very good (very yummy) but not as kick-ass as Brad's. But he has those eyes, the ones that look into you and eat you up alive. Remember the way he looks at Nicole Kidman in Cold Mountain, or Rachel Weiss in Enemy at the Gate? He's the guy who no matter how dirty he tries to get into the role, he still shines, with the way he holds himself together, and with that posh Brit accent of his. Tell me one movie that he doesn't look handsome, maybe Road to Pedition, when he went so fas as to have his teeth pulled, or something, to look ugly. But the rest, he's the lady killer, truly. Remember him being childlish, yet so magnetic in The Talented Mr. Ripley? Even Matt Damon fell for him. Spielberg saw him as the future male prostitute robot in AI.

The other one is Jared Leto. He's not as famous as Brad or Jude, but he's as much pretty. Well, maybe it has to do a bit with teenage crush. I discovered him first in the short-lived series "My So-Called Life" where he played a hard-spoken, can't-read-books, playing-guitar-in-his-band, breaking-Claire-Dane's-heart, high school guy. The fact that it's one of the best, if not the best, series I've seen in my life, and that I identified with the series because I was a high schooler myself at the time, really got Jared into the chart. But it's not just that, I mean, he's got everything going, he's complicated, he's hard to understand, he doesn't really care about you, or anything. So when he does, it means a lot. And again, the eyes, I think they're green. Not sure, but they're sure very pretty. The lips too. Delicate and all. His face just kills me, geez.

Ok, then the Asian guy. Yep, one Asian guy slipped into the chart. Takeshi Kaneshiro. Oh boy. He's exactly my type, I mean, in terms of physical appearances. Tall, beautiful eyes, not so buffed up, yet, got some muscles, just about right. His smiles, the way he laughs. And I discovered him really late, just 4-5 years ago, when I rented a movie called "Tempting Heart" that he played a shy, playing-guitar-in-his-band, complicated teenager. He loved a girl but they were too young so they were separated. He then got married with her best friend, hoping she could replace her. Well, I just really like the details of the movie. Like the scene where he played with the girl's fingers at the noodle stool. Watch the movie, and you know what I mean.

There are others one-off guys, like Adam Garcia in Coyote Ugly, and Ryan Gosling in The Notebook. But they need time to prove themselves. I guess you see the pattern, right? The guys in this group, aside from the obvious god-send physical appearances, they're tough-outside, vulnerable-inside, hard-spoken, so when they speak, they mean it. They make your heart race. When they look into your eyes, you faint.

Ok, to the next category, the combination of humor, warmth, and being romantic. They make you feel good being around them. The first guy is John Cusaak. He is so funny, and so romantic, and very cute too. He's one of the best in romantic comedies. I mean, he has rescued so many mediocre ones, like American Sweethearts, or even Serendipity. But I like him best in High Fidelity and Say Anything. He makes us feel that he's the real person, a guy you can bump into on the street. He's real. And when he loves a girl, he means it. In High Fedelity, he even took it to the next level. See the movie and one of the best "Would you marry me?" scenes.

The next guy is Hugh Grant. Oh he's so funny, and British funny...you know cynical, satire, and all. He's been with us so long that we tend to forget how great he is in what he does. He's so fit with the characters, so adoreable too. I like him the most in Four Weddings. I like how he plays to be a guy hopelessly like a girl where he's not. He just put himself into the situation because he's a commitment freak. And the "I think I love you" scene in his shorts... gives me a smile every time I think of it. He's really good in all of them -- About A Boy, Notting Hill, Love Actually, Bridget Jones...

Speaking of Bridget Jones, I have to add Colin Firth into this list. He's the against type a bit, I mean, he's not out-right funny like John or Hugh. But he's funny, in his hard-spoken, shy-yet-so-cute way. His Darcy in Bridget Jones was dead-on spot. He knew how girls fall for the guy like this -- seemingly incapable of smoothing conversations but when he's seriously in love with you, he'll do anything. I watched him in a couple more movies, including Fever Pitch, and he was so brilliant in all. In Fever Pitch, Hollywood version, Jimmy Fallon made it into a hahaha comedy (for the lack of a better word), but in brit verson, Colin made it into a classy comedy. Go rent it.

The last guy to mention in this category is John Mayer. How could I leave him out? He's so romantic, he composed songs like Love Song for No One, Comfortable, and Your Body is a Wonderland (see the blog I wrote earlier). He cares about social issues, read the lyrics of Daughter. Yet he's got that boyish playfulness in him -- see his lates trio band works. And judging from his interviews, I think he's funny too. So there you go....

Well, since I'm not meeting any of them in person anytime soon. I guess, this list is just for fun for now.